Sunday, October 28, 2012

Project #12

Blog Post #9

Mr. McClung's World
What I've Learned This Year Volume-4
These reflections from every year was very interesting to me. The main thing that stuck out to me was how he did his best to set a goal for each school year. The two challenges that he had for this post was to challenge yourself and dance with who you went with the dance with. Teachers should enjoy teaching and do everything that they can to make the students enjoy getting up and going to class everyday. If the teacher doesn't enjoy his job then the students will get bored and dread going. Mr. McClung made a good realization when he came to the conclusion that he would do all that he could to keep the students interested in his class. I can relate with him whenever he talked about how he despised school because the teacher wasn't doing all that they could to keep the classroom exciting.
What I've Learned This Year-2011
In this reflection, he went to a little bit higher than just talking about how the students should enjoy going to class. He talked about how as a teacher you should care about what your boss thinks, but not so much that it gets in the way of your teaching. Each teacher should remind themselves everyday that they are there for the students. The students are their number one reason. They should always be the center of attention and anything else should not even be an issue or worth you concerns. Each teacher should try to be their own person and teach in the way that they know best. Everyone has their own ways of teaching just like every student has their own ways of learning.

Project #12

The website that I used to start my PLN is Symbaloo. Making an account was really easy and it was really self explanatory. Twitter and Facebook was really useful with setting it up. These two websites helped me learn how to organize things to where I can get to them with one click of the mouse.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Blog Post #8

This is How We Dream This video had a whole lot of information that you don't really hear anywhere else in the world. The most amazing thing to me that I never really think about is the fact that anyone around the world can communicate with anyone else around the world. Someone being able to communicate in different countries is so surreal. Laptops can be used for so many things it is insane. Word processing is becoming a part of everyday life and there is just no slowing it down. Anytime anyone needs any type of information all they have to do is get on the web and it is right at their fingertips. The fact that anything ever put on the web will always be reachable is another thing of the future. Textbooks will be a thing of the past and it will be a much cheaper way to get an education. The presentation on Martin Luther King Jr. was very interesting to me because it is just amazing how sounds and visual aids can all be on one page. The web is more of a culture type of deal instead of just an individual which just provides even more information. There are always alternative versions to a story also and that just helps open the minds of everyone. It made me laugh whenever he said anyone can determine the emotion of the world just from blogs. We really can see who is the happiest city in the world just from reading blogs.
Carly Pugh
Carly related to Dr. Miller in many ways. The main thing that I noticed about these two were that you must feel some type of enjoyment for everything that you do. There is always more out there and it is never out of reach when a computer is around. You should always thing for yourself and motivate students in anyway possible. The video was very motivational to me and I enjoyed watching every second of it also.

The Chipper Series And Edm310 For Dummies
Chipper is a very interesting character to me because she is a typical student. Dropping out of school is never the answer no matter how tough the work may seem to get. You will never be successful if you make up an excuse for everything that you do not do correctly. In EDM310 For Dummies, these students are also just like every other student around the world. When work is mentioned most students just give up before even trying. Most students might enjoy the work if they actually put forth the effort. You really do learn things more whenever you take time to do the work that is expected of you.

Learn to Change, Change to Learn
Schools really are changing every day and it's something that not everyone realizes. This video put a great emphasize on how schools are becoming just another place for kids to come together and do work. The 21st Centure education isn't just in a classroom anymore. Learning takes place everywhere a students goes while they have a cell phone or computer. Technology has showed students many ways to multi task while learning during the process. Every kid around the world at a certain age now knows how to find and validate data in ways that they never could before. Teachers now have children that care about the information that they are learning.

Scavenger Hunt 2.o
PollEverywhere.Com is a tool that any teacher could use in their classroom to keep up with their students. The students could use their cell phones anywhere at anytime to send in their answers to any questions I may want to ask. Quizzes could be done while the kids are at home and I could just ask random, valuable, questions while I'm getting a test together to see what does and doesn't need to be reviewed in class.

C4T #2

Post #1-How do you help students reach thier yet? Erin had a really good point behind her blog post. She posted about a tweet that she read and added her input on the subject. She was talking about how teachers and adults tend to talk about students and say that he/she can't do that. The thing that adults don't realize is that students may hear those words and feel down on themselves and maybe even helpless. She feels that we should all do our best to use the word "yet" as often as possible. The word yet can make many changes in a childs life and can even motivate them to learn how to do the thing they're not expected to know. I really liked this post because it introduced something new to my life. I know, of course, there are many issues in the world. The use of vocabulary never phased me as an issue. I think she made a really good point in saying we should all do our best to use the word yet instead of don't or can't. If we say the child can't do it yet, it just sounds better because we will do our best to teach them. Every child should have a fair chance to find their yet. Post #2-Responsive Leadership
Erin does such a great job at saying what she feels on her blogs and I love it. This post was about how she loves listening to Sir John Jones and how he does such a great job at talking about motivation and capacity. Erin feels that you should always look for things to make your staff and peers want to be the best that you can. I really liked her post because it made me think about the types of motivation that I have in my life. I even picked out my own category that she talked about in her post. The Highly motivated and low level capacity was my favorite one. I felt like I could relate because I played ball and I understand that making goals and achieving them as a team is a huge accomplishment. Everyone should always strive to do the best that they can for themselves and others around them.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Blog Post #7

The Networked Student
This video was different from all of the others that we have watched so far. The little pictures were very interesting to me and the person speaking got his point across. The student didn't have to go through lectures in a classroom or buy textbooks. He learned that tools are not as important as the connections that you make with different students and educators around the world. His teacher taught him how to use his own personal network in order to use google scholar and other websites with valuable information. He shares everything that he learns on his own blogs and comments on other people's blogs. Nothing used on networks are useless and this students story got that point across. I think the networked student knows just as much and probably even more than the student that just hears lectures all day everyday. This student has access to some of the best professors around the world. He can ask questions at anytime and get the best answer possible. A student needs a teacher for many things. Even when the computer does most of the work a student still needs someone there to guide them if they get stuck or confused by something. A teacher must teach the student how to use his/her network and guides them when guidance is needed. A teacher can also show the student how to communicate properly and how to differentiate between good and bad propaganda. I felt like this whole video had many good points and it feels good to know that teachers will always be needed even after everything starts being put on the computer. PLE
This 7the Grader's Personal Learning Environment was very organized. All of the school work was in one place and all of the other stuff was in another. Posting different websites about different things being learned in class for everyone to see is just another great way to use the computer. She can email a scientist anywhere in the world and ask them about anything in the world. She can ask questions and get answers right away even if it is through skype. I like this because you can choose when and how to do things at any given time. This PLE was awesome and I can't wait to get mine up and running.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Blog Post #6

Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving your childhood dreams I think it would be possible for anyone in this world to watch one of Pausch's lectures and not just envy him. This man gives me hope in the world and makes me want to be better. He feels that the only option in life is to live every day to the fullest and do everything in your power to achieve your goals. Pausch talked about fundamentals and how important they are. I have to agree with him because if you can't get the fundamentals on how to do something you will never know how to do it. He made a good point whenever he said that when your mentor starts ignoring you then you should be worried. When people are taking their time to help make you better then they really care about you and you should feel good inside. I feel that you do gain experience from the things that you never planned on doing in the first place. In order to learn new things you must do something you've never done before. Being a teacher is a much bigger responsibility than just standing in front of the classroom and talking about random things. Teaching is a huge role in a child's life. As a teacher you can always remind your students to follow their goals and not to give up no matter how hard it may seem. I really liked when Pausch talked about one of his student's Tommy and how he actually achieved his goal of working on the Star Wars movies. I also agree that everyone that you come into contact with has some sort of influence on your life rather you realize it or not. As a teacher, you will teach students many things and you will also learn from them. Every single day is a new learning experience and you have no choice but to live it up. You should always live every day as if it will be your last.