Monday, October 15, 2012

Blog Post #7

The Networked Student
This video was different from all of the others that we have watched so far. The little pictures were very interesting to me and the person speaking got his point across. The student didn't have to go through lectures in a classroom or buy textbooks. He learned that tools are not as important as the connections that you make with different students and educators around the world. His teacher taught him how to use his own personal network in order to use google scholar and other websites with valuable information. He shares everything that he learns on his own blogs and comments on other people's blogs. Nothing used on networks are useless and this students story got that point across. I think the networked student knows just as much and probably even more than the student that just hears lectures all day everyday. This student has access to some of the best professors around the world. He can ask questions at anytime and get the best answer possible. A student needs a teacher for many things. Even when the computer does most of the work a student still needs someone there to guide them if they get stuck or confused by something. A teacher must teach the student how to use his/her network and guides them when guidance is needed. A teacher can also show the student how to communicate properly and how to differentiate between good and bad propaganda. I felt like this whole video had many good points and it feels good to know that teachers will always be needed even after everything starts being put on the computer. PLE
This 7the Grader's Personal Learning Environment was very organized. All of the school work was in one place and all of the other stuff was in another. Posting different websites about different things being learned in class for everyone to see is just another great way to use the computer. She can email a scientist anywhere in the world and ask them about anything in the world. She can ask questions and get answers right away even if it is through skype. I like this because you can choose when and how to do things at any given time. This PLE was awesome and I can't wait to get mine up and running.


  1. Late. Were you on a tennis trip?

    Thoughtful, interesting and well done.

  2. Hey Kayla! I agree with you that it is reassuring to know teachers are still needed, regardless of the advancement of technology in classrooms. You did a good job covering the material from the videos we watched, and there were few grammatical errors. For example, there was one place you had "students story" instead of "student's story". It looks like you only wrote one paragraph about the networked student. If you meant for there to be more than one paragraph, I would suggest using the html code for spacing at the end of each paragraph. Otherwise, your post was easy to read and enjoyable.
